
Friday, 26 September 2014

only shades of grey (and other colours)

I'm falling behind slightly in class, what with being so busy in work these last few weeks, but if I can grab 5 minutes of colouring every so often I do, so I was trying day 3 techniques of mixing things with grey on two colours that I find difficult to blend.

Mr Foxy is coloured with terracotta then shaded with either grey squirrel or warm grey 3, the second image isn't quite done, he needs smoothing over, but I left it last night as I ran out of time. The first image is too uniform...

Mr Dog uses the same two greys, but this time the base colour was sleigh bell, I need to add a bit more depth to his tail but he worked out ok. I also got a bit adventurous colouring in the white of his muzzle.

I have to say these lawn fawn images are wonderful, despite owning lots of sets I don't own either of these... yet!

- F


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